Å The position and button status of the mouse pointer
Å A window on the screen
Å An icon in a window
This info can be handy for programmers who are writing Wimp (desktop) applications.
!WimpInfo is FreeWare. For conditions of use, read the copyright notice at
the end of this manual.
How to use
When the program starts, it installs an icon on the icon bar. Click MENU on it, and select which info you want to see. The info is shown in a window.
Click ADJUST to close all the info windows. When you later click SELECT, the situation is restored, i.e. the windows that were closed by the ADJUST-click are opened again.
The 'Window info' and 'Icon info' windows can show extended info. Click on the 'Toggle size' icon.
If the option 'Shift-activated' is on, the info windows are only updated when the Shift key is pressed. This has two advantages:
Å It takes less processing power.
Å You can 'freeze' the info, e.g. to compare two icons that are at some
distance from each other.
When the option is off updating is continuous.
Copyright notice
This program is FreeWare. This means that I retain the copyright, except for the MenuUtils module, which is ⌐ Alex Petrov. You may freely copy and distribute it, provided that it is complete with all original files, and that you do not sell it. PD libraries may charge a nominal fee for the cost of duplication, postage etc. When you use the program, you do so entirely at your own risk. You may change the program to suit your own needs. If it's a bug fix, or if you think it's an improvement, then please send the changes to me.